Monday, February 18, 2019


To be delivered to Jesse Arreguin & [Berkeley City Council.], Mayor and the Berkeley City Council
Poor social services in Berkeley and other civic aberrant negligence have contributed to the perceived negation and associated slander towards People's Park. But beyond a decade's long insufficient response to human suffering and a lack of community concentration on the People's Park garden, and other aspects of the park that aren't directly linked to blight at all times, and often are, it is time to SAVE PEOPLE'S PARK!
409 signatures. NEW goal - We need 500!
Critical Mass in Berkeley; overpopulation, in general, is nothing new, but there is a genuine lack of green space in Berkeley. House the homeless and the poor and the schizophrenic. Keep the park for the People. The Park is relative to civil rights and free speech. 2019 will mark the 50th anniversary of People's Park and it would be a horrific shame on the community if the park would be destroyed simply for the sake of student housing, which can be built anywhere. UCB used eminent domain illegally to displace the original neighborhood and, lacking funds to create yet another student housing unit, created the blight in the first place. The park was an attempt by the community to create something beautiful. The UCB and, frankly, the City of Berkeley, have done everything in their power to destroy the park. Given the associated civil rights and free speech background linked to People's Park, the actions of UCB and The City of Berkeley seem determinedly fascist.
Most Recent Signers
Michael Sullivan
Feb 16, 2019
Lindsey Dancoff
Feb 15, 2019
Robin Housley from Berkeley, CA
Feb 15, 2019
Sylvia Moonbat
Feb 14, 2019
"The CIA put a microchip in my head. End MKULTRA now!!!"
Sanah Basrai
Feb 13, 2019
Ashley Robinson from Empire, CA
Feb 13, 2019
Monica Martella from Petaluma, CA
Feb 13, 2019
"Houses no one can afford sit empty while you cut down trees to make more housing. This must change."
Robert Zhou from Cupertino, CA
Feb 13, 2019
Max Ventura from Berkeley, CA
Feb 13, 2019
"50 years of a user-developed park, and a place welcoming anyone who wants to be there, or needs a place to be off of the hard and colder cement of the sidewalks. People's Park is that: a park for all, and used by students, homeless people, families, residents, neighbors, and visitors. UC: Hands off the People's Park!"
Angela white from Berkeley, CA
Feb 12, 2019

darin bauer via peoples-park-committee <>,A. People's Committee In Response To UC Plans To Raze the Park
Jan 2 at 2:34 PM
The People's Park civic landmark status with the city ends April, 2019. The People's Park Committee is applying for civic landmark status, state and national, I am to believe. The regents were aware of this, I am to believe. The regents should have known that the millennials were coming, and likely have had at least 50 years to plan for their arrival. I am to believe.  The regents should know the importance of green urban space and how it revitalizes the community. I have an MA in urban studies, not from UCB or any UC, and I am very aware of the importance of green urban space and how it revitalizes our community, you must seem that you are not aware of this. 

It furthermore seems disingenuous and scandalously unfair to destroy our vital urban ecosystem in this time of poverty, pollution, and political strife. One should think that any kind of destruction to People's Park would not take place until after April of 2019 as per any recurrent civic landmark status. 2018 in many ways marked the first time in history that people began to take for granted an urban forest in eastern People's Park, instead 2018 will be marked by how the UC regents choose to once again put gentrification [which is a form of genocide,] before community.  

The Sacred Berkeley Oak Grove and it's systemic treesit should have taught the regents that policing is as expensive as replanting trees, and by replanting I am to mean that one would use engineering to remove and replant them elsewhere. Our point then was replace fossil fuels and our point is not much different today. We also wish to preserve nature, but you don't seem to understand this, I am to believe.

With some sort of focus on education, in today's terrible world of industrial haste, one might believe that the UC regents might wish that urban gardeners, at the Walnut Street student farmer and volunteer co-op garden, at Occupy The Farm in Albany [The Gil Tract Farm,] and People's Park should be a pinnacle for social outreach, ecological / agricultural education, Native American folklore education, social justice education, and so on. But what we find from many but not all students, and people in general is that the misinformation from their 'mainstream,' cultural conditioning does little to help define sub-cultural phenomenology beyond the market value of a tie died t-shirt. The importance of how micro or sub cultural sociology helps to create facets and trends in the macro sociological matrix is lost on people in general and people take sub cultural values from the past for granted, yet at the same time fascism currently looms around the transnational matrix. 

If you are unaware of how invaluable sub-cultural sociology is for human awareness locally, and in general, I would recommend any book, passage or article by Rebecca Solnit on the subject. 

The United States is not a Democracy it is an oligarchy where capitalism is king. In a socialist country at least people don't seem to die on the streets as much. The blight in People's Park is systemic to a dysfunctional governance. Stop nullifying us. We had a forest. All of us. I am to believe that the regents do not value nature. 

If you are unaware of how invaluable nature is to cities read any book or passage by Jane Jacobs on the subject. 

The wildlife in our community hates you, and we howl in the wind. 

In my opinion that makes no difference to the regents because they cannot hear anything other than themselves and capitalism while the Earth dies screaming. 


darin bauer <>,A. People's Committee In Response To UC Plans To Raze the Park
Feb 13 at 4:51 PM

Sign the petition: Save Berkeley's People's Park: Create National Civic ...
I just signed a petition to Jesse Arreguin & [Berkeley City Council.], Mayor and the Berkeley City Council: Poor...

Our cities are rapidly heading towards what Jane Jacobs refers to as "Dead Zones,"(1) People's Park in Berkeley isn't the first or last struggle for humane green cities obviously, however it should be a catalyst for a more correct approach to urban planning universally. The Baby Boomers are probably too old to defend the park, but the millenials are, and deceiving them with the corporate considerations relative to 'user development,' is a binary didactic used for mechanizing human minds [mind control, propaganda, and mass hypnosis,] and not a natural condition for human development [nutrition, exercise, rest, positive activity, outreach with people, community and natural spaces.] Don't build another factory to build robots for the oligarchy! The kids are human people not corporate slaves! SAVE PEOPLE'S PARK!

(1) Check out the San Diego, Tijuana area in the movie, "Bladerunner 2049," should you doubt this dangerous precarious development. Science Fiction is a warning. The usage itself was likely from "The Life And Death of Great American Cities," 1960, Random House. 


Open letter to Young Student Democratic Action

Dear YSDA,

    I was told by Adam last night that they were prohibiting any further non-co-opers relative to the committee from attending Lothlorian meetings. And especially myself for using abusive language on the list serve. I will spend some time negotiating this in this letter. What is People's Park on a respect level? And what is radical diversity? I give personal examples based on my experience and research.

People's Park is two things primarily. People's Park is highly politicized. People's Park is also highly ghettoized. [Another way to look at it is People's Park is, for whatever reason, really high.] 

I have an MA in urban studies, I can go on and on about gentrification and wage slavery and systemic institutional prejudices, but you should know most of that by now yourself, it's the 21st century, you aren't the President, so don't pretend like you don't know.

Do you have ANY idea how much effort it was to get gangs to leave the park? I've heard some stories from some of my elders about this, THAT alone is reason enough not to bullshit in the park. In order to understand that, you'd have to actually speak to someone who was there and understood the complexity of the issues. It was really complex, it wasn't entirely a black and white thing, and with too many shades of gray or whatever, yeah, drugs, marijuana is okay, but guns are bad, knives are pretty bad, and hombres in gangs are pretty bad. 

Somebody in the park will have a knife. You should know how to handle yourself in order to never have to worry about anything like that. In laymen's terms, you want motherfuckers in the park with knives to defend you, not attack you. It's basically that simple. If you respect the park, it's people, and the garden, you shouldn't really have any problem with that. If you do then you are an undeserving fuck nut, and somebody to trifle with. That's how it goes sometimes. Don't be like that. 

It's one thing for me to say if you fuck up in the park I'll kick your ass. It's quite another to actually deserve it. For the most part however, I think I gave warnings about behavior in this list serve, and I'm really sick of politically correct moderate pundits using their 'polite special people,' language, trying to railroad the people, especially the people of the park. That's basically why the people of the park, are in the park. People offended by language probably shouldn't be fighting for the park in the first place. 

    The second part of this is about a variety of tactics. In Occupy Oakland we had racial and identity diversity that other Occupations simply didn't have. Oakland lead the way primarily, when Wall Street and David Graeber didn't. Or Alleppo, or Cairo, or Istanbul. 'A diversity of tactics,' quickly became the buzzword of successful anarchist endeavors. Fuck the World Trade Organization meeting in Seattle, in 1999, and fuck the 10,000 anarchists who came to New Orleans after Katrina to commit to mutual aid. [Okay but with love though out to NOLA, and C-Town,] We were fucking the police every single week for two years. Anyone who was actually there knew that's what we were doing, and how we knew it was possible was relative to a Diversity of Tactics.

This was also very true of 924 Gilman between it's 1986 onset and when I eased out of the scene somewhat in 1996. Although most women in punk moved to the American Northwest and left the Bay, in the late 20th Century, there were some women who persevered. We had music diversity, we had diversity in ideas of what punk rock is. Political diversity, we had / have that. We had artistic diversity [style, genre, whathaveyou,] and perhaps better today also racial diversity. Today there are more woman and people of color at Gilman than in the 20th Century, that at least it very true. Gilman Street is 33 years old and she still wears spikes on her punk rock jacket, but she doesn't wear leather or suede anymore, because she got a better job yo!!! 

If we cannot have our 'range of individuals,' attend meetings then you are only going to get one side of the story and not the diverse range of viewpoints, history, considerations, memories, and just basically variety that is endemic to any radical occupation. That's just it YSDA, you aren't radical. Stop pretending like you give a fuck then! Go back to voting for Clinton or Biden or whatever so you can defend the corporate oligarchy and keep democracy safe for wage slavery!!!! GTFO!!!!!