Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Klingaformation: Klingon permaculture; a phenomenology.

House of Mong-Dech Permacultural Update:


                Klingaformation on the Home-World has reached new proportions. Qo'Nos is considered a 'survived,' planet, to which there are fewer to compare for a direct analysis within the local stellar neighborhood. Only the less populated areas are under our care and scrutiny for now until secular modality may effectively occur. Local permacultural-distribution has fallen to those constitutancies. With little exception local populations are free to co-opt the Empirical perma-cultural projects for the sake of their own secular functionality. Science/Botany/Bio-strata exchange programs, and "work to learn," programs, along side with food justice and bio-carbon encapsulation are likewise facing endemic standards.

                One example of our most recent daunting tasks has been proven to be the Klingaformation of an out lying community specifically peripheral to the Capital City of Qo'Nos, the area known as Burq-Zur. [FN1; This is the namesake of the half-Cardasian, half-Kling Captain Qot Burq-Zur Mong-Dech.] For a very long time mercenarial forces of corporate oligarchic entities [FN2; There are also many other competing Klingaformation projects at work at this time. Most however do not require major arbitration.] have used this small community of mostly private and secular, engineers and scientists as a proving ground and had always planned to create a stronghold there. This conflict has been ongoing since before the K'mPec-Gowron civil war. Theoretically conflict as an impediment was the rationale for not posting a larger contingency there. With the need for milder micro-climates so incessant, conflict there is quite a concession to progress.

                The major creation of an aggressive bio-active bio-mass in which to create a more living soil, and thereby a more temporate climate zone has once again been off set by various factions. Progress here is slow, yet we have had controlling wins in most such battles up to this time, with a conscientious ratio of cautionary encapsulation of those mercenary forces, with fewer casualties as a result. Like similar projects, large bio-mass compiled from many stellar locales such as The New Romulus separatist planet, our own Khittomer, and H'atori [where botany research has given us so many great strides,] Federation systems and elsewhere is proving to detoxify, recreate or intensify a living soil, and begin to harbor microbiotic entities and other small creatures in efforts to allow for eco-re-genesis.

                Other planets such as Negh'Var and Vor'Cha are slowly approaching the secular perma-cultural districting, and massive joint, KDF, KOF, Federation, and Romulan perma-cultural efforts continue as also Gorn, Ferasan, Naasican, Lethean, Orion, and even Federation worlds! Current inner-stellar diplomacy includes efforts with the Cardasians [They have been tentative in joining the Borg-Initiative Protocal Bio-alliance,] and other species including our allies in the Delta, and Gamma Quadrants and elsewhere. Also there are efforts to Klingaform planets in some stellar systems within reasonable habitable zones which do not or barely support life.

                Research in bio-spheres on small moons, toxic gas planets and so on are expanding in these places in order to create more hospitable zones. Pre-toxification of bio-matter in such nurseries [Even those on Class M planets as it is common practice,] as is those on our home-worlds nurse hundreds of thousands of varieties of bio-life in order to place them to an accordingly hostile atmosphere to which this botany have been pre-conditioned.

                Qo'Nos will be a green planet in our life times! We will miss the desertification and its extremities somewhat, hopefully terribly so. Science, animal-husbandry, [and Biology,] Botany, and arborist employments are still not met. We offer better than adequate nutrition, advanced warrior training, academic education*, housing and fair employment. [FN3; We also provide adequate sanctions for the young and families with a very progressive program.]

                Klingaformation efforts have developed greatly over the last four hundred years. "Climate Control," was originally referred to as the resulting effects upon a planet besieged by Klingons. Massive atmospheric toxification and gaseous detritus created a need for bio-engineering. What this means is that our planet life support systems needed to be developed, and less desirable members of the Empire were moved to the more difficult planets or regions before their abilities could be fully recognized. With the advent of the KOF [Klingon Occupation Force,] against economic inequality and for equal rights, non-discriminatory [all-gendered, all xenological…] right to work, learn and all other social equity such as right to live honorably, and even, strangely enough, the right to fight like a Klingon [FN4; A much historical civil rights conflict…such as others are also…] have changed the way geo-engineering and permaculture, Klingaformation, has been developed and transpired.

                With almost universal failures with geo-engineering, the "Greening," of class M atmospheres and bio-tropes seems to have less to do with planetary climate control and more to do with simply creating a cloaked planet. Many habitable Klingon planets have this 'green tinge,' in their atmospheres and whatever critics say now, the greening tinge effect is inert, and up to this time completely non-toxic, and lessened soil loss and bio-matter loss due to climate extremity. Factually the tinge does impede orbital surveillance by all counts classified, never the less humidity atmospheric alerts will endure us for at least the next sixty solar rotations as the tinge density often exceeds even our tolerances. Extremities in weather patterns seem to have lessened in concert with continuous perma-cultural deployment. It is also predicted that the inert green atmospheric supplementation will gradually sub cede as the planets oxygenate by way of extenuated bio-mass. In sixty solar rotations Qo'Nos will seem much like Earth did near the time of their year 2060, as many class M planets have a "neutral" phase of bio-regenerative atmospheric recompensatory development.

                This is the classic phase in which scientists endure the doldrums of the slowing results of perma-cultural reconditioning. We use Terra as an example; it is a good example because they have had fewer "base" worlds in which to augment their existing ecological synthesis originally.

                After the Khittomer accords Klingons began cultivating bio-mass from Khittomer to Terran, and other Federation worlds, as well as our own. Khittomer is a harsh world with a primeval bio-mass, however it was at that time considered critical to create a multi-platform of eco-synthesis. As a result of that and other similar forms of eco-integration, Earth had a shorter "neutral-phase," by no means however the shortest, neither will that be true of Qo'Nos. For most worlds however, we only are predicting a shorter than normal "neutral phase," of eco-re-genesis, however the resiliency of these worlds considering the abuses put to them and the painfully slow bureaucratic to eco-recovery processes, as we begin and halt these programs over time, the time spent with the bio-regenerative atmospheric recompensatory development, regenesis is shorter, the time that kept us apart from it is not, in fact we aren't even the worse cuprit as the Romulan and Federation wars against one another was far worse, their colonial greed and destruction is equal to our own as ignorant as it must be. Not all species will be as fortunate as those in the Klingon Empire. One of the Denubulan habitable class "N," worlds had been predicted to be unrecoverable some time ago and now speculation on that planet's odds towards eco-genesis expand to that beyond the comparable range of their local stellar neighborhood by some remarkable degree. [FN5; Denubulan over population is well documented.]

                We still do not know if class N planets can be altered permanently, yet the sciences still consider this. Some time ago it was thought that class "O," planets would always be considered widely uninhabitable, yet we now know that this to can change.

                Planetary bio-mass "growth nurseries," continuously ship and receive botanical varieties. Eco-regenerative-synthesis modeling is now a completely new scientific art form. We have developed and refined this methodology and our allies and enemies alike have joined in this process, in special accordance to the 24th C. Borg Initiative Diplomacies. In five hundred years time we may be rid of the Borg threat in the local stellar neighborhood, if not the galaxy itself.

                Quality of Targ was a major issue during the Km'Pec / Gowron civil war, and it is now! Yet due to advanced agricultural and animal husbandry efforts which coincided with eco-restoration, degrees of increased quality come from the timing and placement of the herds in question, and not due only to a corporatocracy manufacturers degree of 'quality control.'

                Secular 'victory farms' [Further Trans xeno-husbandry,] has seen remarkable results and has contributed greatly to our Targ resurgence. Over population continues and with detoxification perpetual hunting for sport and for commercial purposes has been possible for quite some time now, mostly with thanks to Mong co-allied factions. Our herds are strong and many scientists can spend more time on other aspects of eco-recovery as economic trans-xeno husbandry has reached a new apex of viability. [FN6; However true as this may be our oversight committees within science, ecology, economy, social equalities, and of course the histrionic 'quality controlling,' are all in a seemingly permanent stage of fluxuating congress.]

                No thought of eco-synthesis, or very little thought had occurred to the Klingon Empire until the Khitomer accords. This is a minor misnomer, however a common enough miscalculation. The various factions compiling the Klingon corporatocracy created an extremely toxic environment on the original home world. Yet quality of life had become so odious there, colonial expansion so commonplace, and systemic inequality so rampant it seemed that we were either a doomed species or on the verge of a very nullifying inner conflict. [FN7; There is great speculation and analysis on this subject within the alliance of the House of Mong-Dech.] Many Klingon societies on a great many planets have felt and endured this speculation, however differencing their perdue may be.

                Special efforts had to immediately be made to preserve the new world and begin research on Klingaforming the other habitable zone planets within and extraneous to the Empire. Many Klingons remember the immunization processes with no gratitude or appreciation whatsoever. Thanks to KOF and its allies however, eco-revolutionaries and other trans-planetary Klingons are treated graciously like diplomatic heroes, a morale change demanded by the House of Mong-Dech and its allies, co-authored by Gowron and Martog. Travel between our worlds is currently less demanding psychologically speaking.

                Onto preservation efforts again, Khitomer botany was not immediately recognizable as co-compliant to other planetary ecosystems. Scientists, bureaucrats, specialists, consultants, diplomats, and leading oligarchs all had their own prejudices. The scientific method (much to the astonishment to all parties,) was dictated by K'mPec as an absolute methodological determinate-we are still in compliance to this despite the current considerations on its organic evolution as a science, and also absolutely because of all imaginable considerations however valid they may or may not be, which has lead ultimately to a scientific prerogative to comply with speculation so not to garner superstitions, and to create consensus and thus harbor conscientious intuitive Klingaformation and agriculture.

                Eventually, and not without consulting from the Mong-Dech House and others, bio-spheres were used to nurse botanicals to be eco-adaptive to specific alien climates, as previously noted. We must take care to remember that the brothers Mogue and Mong-Dech, their systemic allies, and such as that of many others were not old enough to be warriors during the evacuations of the Praxis Klingon Home world. "The accumulated trauma that such unnatural disaster created has in turn created a very large contingency against crimes of an ecological nature in modern times. In turn also, Klingaformation. WE are very serious about all of our efforts to this effect, and how Klingon corporatocracy created disasters that can mold us into revolutionary eco-warriors." [Mong-Dech/Km'Pec/Martog diplomatic accords, 2434.]

                "The process of Klingaformation therefore has been an unprecedented success. Privatization and Empirical eco-bio-conditioning [in turn with systemic economic ecologically related tax redemptions,[1]] has proven to largely become an element of civilian life among Klingons. [Larger contingency should there to fore be thought to create a larger ecological genesis effort also.] The responsibility of our well-being as sentience belongs to us completely, and the Klingon Empire recognizes this right unconditionally." [Ibid.]

                "We fight to preserve ourselves!" [FN8; This adage has a very exhaustive and complex history within Klingon social-history. See Grong-Dox-Gaar's research on military epiphany from the 24th Century.] This is the motto of The Bio-House of Klingaformation, an inner-planetary house, independent and co-habituated within and extraneous of the Klingon Empire, which now holds a seat in the Klingon High-Council. Scientists, political advisors, ecologists, all use the consensus model of the Klingon Occupational Revolution and subsequent civil war to create / use their voice within Klingon existence. 300 years ago this would have been a process of extremely volatile debate amongst Klingon variant faction. Today largely in thanks to the atonement as mentioned by Km'Pec, the volatility usually only reaches renown in that there is not a history of this high council seat (The Bio-House of Klingaformation...) and that has not been publicly known in some regards...all proceedings prior to the creation of this seat is largely considered history enough, for now.]

                "Bio-synthesis has reached the High Council." This was proclaimed in a joint party (political and philosophical,) effort by the so named House of Anonymity, which is renown in Klingon revolutionary circles and to the Kling public. Transparency and privacy can be reached by all in all efforts of sustainability, possibly in our own lifetimes [Science regarding Klingon longevity not withstanding...] and sooner than we think. [Acknowledgement to the technological and communications revolution is very intentional, as is the references to popular efforts towards existence equality made and maintained by revolutionary Kling forces, and honored by the high council at threat of civil unrest, or any furthering confliction, and digression.]

                Already community consensus groups regarding [Kling] co-districting within our regions and areas of geo-habitation. [FN9; Ibid: Km'Pec / Gowron post-civil war / accords. See also Gowron eco-probate Kling civil eco-habitus, and sadly enough, Gowron / Martog accords, as well as the on-going Martog eco-probatum Kling civil eco-habitus. (Hella' Occupy merge with KOF and the development of The House of Mong and co-allied factions such as 'The Klingon Alliance.') All as mentioned are yet another entirely exhaustive research parameter in relation to Klingaformation efforts. One of the most iconic of which being then KDF allied then Captain Gaardox Mong-Dech's provision of enormous ancient growth foliage used as a battering ram against the Qo'Nos City of Och-Nos Civil Empirical Corporate head-quarters, and subsequent raid. During the Klingon Occupy civil war trophies of such botany during eco-Klingaformation efforts, thwarting corporate interests to the contrary-in such an event overstock occurred from the beleaguering of the revolutionary alliances, creating a form of 'creative resourcefulness' (out-sourcing.)] This in turn addresses our collective thinking and allows us with variant demographics upon with we may create the most conscious decisions with the concerns of ecological eminence facing us now in the 25th century.

                Eco-synthesis agricultural models sequester toxicity within our Empirical planetary habitus. Tran’s stellar micro biotic entities are "seed-bombed," upon Klinga-cognito primus with a rich conglomerate mulch / topsoil mix in order to do the same. Eventual introduction of fauna creates the apex of eco-synthesis - all of these processes contribute to our survival, ensuring our herds are healthy and fecund, and all warriors stronger.

                Elsewhere in the local stellar neighborhood "Klinga," is a word that means "savage," "destructions," and "eco-/genocide." Klingons are known by the trails of blood behind their wake. We now constantly surprise our allies and enemies alike with our trans-stellar eco-fusion and our insistence in creating an honorific variant for science to create and teach further comprehension of these, further and on-going eco-synthesis processes here within the Empire and elsewhere with our Klingaformation. [FN10; Inner alliance, inner treatise mutual aid / trans-fleet/xeno/stellar officer exchange programs notwithstanding.] The Borg threat is a tasty enemy of the Empire, and very likely to unify the galaxy to deborgify them. The Borg Initiative Protocols and subsequent annexations thereof not withstanding will be considered an Empirical imperative as it is an extension of the adopted prime directive of the Federation, as it is our own as well. Qa'pla! We DO live to fight another day, the needs of the many DO outweigh the needs of the few; for the Borg EVERYDAY is a good day to de-Borgify, their Borgification is utterly and completely FUTILE. The fecundity of ALL sentient home worlds work to disavow all Borg effort. That is all for now.


-High Council Notation: Lt. General Gaardox Mong-Dech, M. General Horg Mong-Dech, [KOF/KDF/Mong and Kling Alliance,] edits by Martog and J'mpoc, scripted by Qot-Burq-Gott-Dech of the House of Mong-Dech. [Federation date; 2442.]


*Education is the most powerful weapon in the galaxy.




















[1] The Klingon Empire pays for these efforts to promote such efforts.