Tuesday, October 30, 2012

People’s Park: A Brief History of Activism, Outreach, and Organic Farming

This was my section in a publication called A Fresh Look.
A Fresh Look: Observations on Artistic and Social Practices in Urban Farming. A book and website project by the second year MA students at The San Francisco Art Institute. One collaborative interview and one article, plus photography, 2010.

If you have any questions about farming, read anything by Vandana Shiva, especially: Earth Democracy: Justice, Sustainability, and Peace, Southend Press, Cambridge, MA, 2005.

Also you might try: Novella Carpenter: Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer, Penquin Press HC, 2009, or The Essential Urban Farmer, with Willow Rosenthal, Penquin, 2011.

In People’s Park, located in Berkeley, California, privately cultivated organic fruits and vegetables are grown along with freedom of thought, freedom of speech, equality, and grassroots radicalism. Since its founding in 1969, People’s Park has represented civic and civil rights freedoms that have been threatened since the beginning of modern global expansion.1 At one time the heartbeat of resistance, the park, along with the circumstances revolving around it, has always defied the conventions of racism, sexism, poor urban planning, and murderous political foreign policy. You will also find in our park a community gardening farm, of slightly less than one acre, that so far has completely survived Reaganomics and might possibly survive post-modern transnationalism also. In this essay, I will give a brief history of the park and its garden and how they relate to the community of Berkeley.

In 1969, The University of California, Berkeley (UCB) began planning a community park for residents and students at the current People’s Park location. Ultimately, in the spirit of the times, community members decided to start early, beginning construction on April 20, 1969.2 The lack of comprehension by the UCB administration and a few unpopular choices by activists, community members, and city officials made a fairly popular community building project into an unholy quagmire, as protests regarding the park’s closure turned to riot. These and other incidents led to what is known as “Bloody Thursday.” On May 15, 1969, Governor Ronald Reagan sent two hundred-fifty Highway Patrol and Berkeley Police officers to shut down People’s Park. Student protesters were met with violence, and the newly planted park and garden were left in shambles.3

Students and the people of Berkeley worked hard over the following decades to restore the park. After a five-year stalemate, during which a fence that had been erected around the park in 1969 was torn down, David Axelrod and Cal students started an organic farming course at People’s Park. In the spring of 1974, this group, led by Axelrod, became the People’s Park Project/Native Plant Forum and affiliated itself with the Associated Students of the University of California (ASUC).4 Some of the efforts of this group are still noticeable to longtime park attendees.5 On November 15, 1979, community volunteers tore out the parking lot that had been installed that fall and planted a vegetable garden, using chunks of pavement as landscaping berms.6 Now the garden beds dot the landscape of the west side of the park. At least a dozen fruit trees and many bushes and flowers fill bed plots and adjoin the landscape. Flowers, trees, fruits, vegetables, a variety of urban feral animals, open-mindedness, equality, pacifism, and human beings are all grown there.
As a community facet, the People’s Park garden has operated the same way as many other community gardens of this nature—if you plant it, you get to keep it. Volunteers, activists, and concerned community members have grown, cultivated, and distributed produce from the garden for over thirty years. Community members such as Terri Compost, Arthur Fonseca, and Charles Gary delegate the use of the park. They also help to protect the park by being outspoken with authority figures—including the UCB administration and police department—by protesting, and by attending community meetings.7 This group, known by authority figures as “the user-development group,” believes that the park belongs to the people, and that all changes should subsequently be subject to the approval of “the people.”8 Mostly, however, the community runs the park.

Food Not Bombs began in 1988 in San Francisco, and is now organized internationally.9 The goal of Food Not Bombs is to help feed anyone in need. The organization considers itself a radical anti-capitalist group, and others, including The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation, agree.10 Produce from the park has been known to be grown exclusively for the nonprofit, volunteer-run Food Not Bombs, which on February 6, 1991 began to feed the homeless in People’s Park.11 Food Not Bombs had a garden bed in People’s Park around the year 2000, but it has more often relied on the donation of food from the other beds in the park and from outside donors. In addition to occasional produce from the People’s Park garden and specific private plots, this organization has also been known to dumpster dive for food. Food Not Bombs also relies on greener chain stores such as Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s who donate their excess and soon to be expired goods, and on churches that donate their kitchen spaces. For five days a week almost every week for the last nineteen years, Food Not Bombs has served healthy vegan food in People’s Park.12

One of the most influential forces behind the People’s Park garden is Terri Compost, a naturalist who has been studying plants and nature locally for over fifteen years.13 In her early forties, she is an Oakland resident and works as a naturalist with the American Youth Hostel’s Adventure Program. She’s also an organic gardener and the curator of the Bay Area Seed Interchange Library (BASIL) at the Ecology Center, and for a time she was a docent at the Oakland Museum of California.14 She’s worked closely with Food Not Bombs for over a decade, and she has tended the garden and offered organic farming education to children and adults in People’s Park since the mid 1990s.15 Terri eventually started her own program to educate people about the preservation of the planet, often teaching courses in wildlife, flora, fauna, permaculture, and organic farming in the watersheds of the Berkeley area and in People’s Park.16 She is an educator who has deep knowledge of native, edible, and medicinal plants and wildlife and how they relate to native cultures and to a larger sense of the metaphysical.17 She believes that the key to permaculture and organic farming or gardening is harmony and synthesis, not mass corporate domination over the elements. Caring for the garden has not always been easy. Over the years, Terri has encountered complications with police, homeless persons, and anti-urban farm antagonists.18 Her fifteen-year devotion to the park has inspired volunteerism and ensured the success of the garden as long as she tends it. However, so that she may pursue other ambitions, Terri is planning to retire from being a full-time gardener and caretaker of the People’s Park garden. She is currently encouraging fellow activists and gardeners like Nathan Pitts to take the reins. “It’s a free garden…anyone can come in and plant something.”19

Berkeley is a fairly sizeable city, and in my opinion, the community at large could definitely benefit more from the People’s Park garden. My observations over the last decade lead me to suggest using the entire southern fifth or sixth of the existing lawn area as an organic farm to be put to use for the Alameda County Food Bank, or perhaps for the exclusive use of Food Not Bombs. The garden could be tended by students and perhaps be linked to a class about urban agriculture at UCB. However, due to the nature of the persistent and ongoing conflicts between the UCB administration and students, community members, and activists, this suggestion may prove difficult to instigate.

In summation, teaching a naturalist and resourceful viewpoint is vital to helping us realize the importance of wildlife, nature, herbology, permaculture, organic gardening, and Native American natural preservationism, and to helping us realize the danger of losing it all to agri-corporations and bio-engineering. For the community, People’s Park will always symbolize the importance of civil rights and the need for public assembly, free speech, and community gardening. The garden survives in light of these poignant difficulties, difficulties that few urban farms have been known to survive or fight against. The garden, like the park, is in bloom.

How Occupy Translates into Klingon.

How the Occupation [Occupy] relates to the future of the Klingon Empire: Qa-Pla!
 Klingon Empirical Occupation Major General Gaardox HeH-Het Mong Dech Bauer
            As a Major-General of the Empirical Honor Guard and Klingon Occupation Force I must inform you of the following, since it is vital information and you must be in the know if we are going to bring honor and glory to the empire and destroy the nefarious corporate oligarchy.
            As we all know the Klingon Nefarious Corporate Oligarchy [KNCO] is solely responsible for the following atrocities against the empire;
Enslavement of the Gorn, Orions, Nausicaan, Ferasan, Lethean, and other minority class Klingons and species! That is nonsense! We are all Klingon the moment we hold our Batlith and shout GLORY TO THE EMPIRE! There is no room for inequality, economic or otherwise, we must prevent the KNCO from devising slavery at all costs! Obviously were it not for the tireless efforts of factions such as the Klingon Occupation Force there may have been no equality or freedom within the empire at all. We must still endeavor to ratify the planetary councils if we are to end xenophobia within the empire! The empire grows weak with such divisions. When all Klingons are free and equal then the empire is a strong and redoubtable force within the galaxy! Even the Galactic Senate has officially approved our ratification and anti-xenophobic efforts! This makes the KNCO cringe; let us make them purge blood also! Remember also that the Klingon Occupation Force Fleet is one of hundreds that encourage non-discrimination. My personal House Fleet includes all races even some that are not Klingon! Let us continue to encourage our allies, as well as our personal House Fleets to end xenophobia, it is not-diplomatic, it is too expensive, it dissipates lives, resources and discourages honor and glory within our ranks.
             The destruction of the original home planet Qo-Nos. We all know of the backroom deals that destroyed our original moon with bad mining practices and poor engineering that did not prevent the destabilization of its gravitational integrity. This is such a disgrace, there will be blood! I like many was able to leave the planet before the moon crashed into it. If it weren’t for the fact that my father was an engineer we would not have been able to warn anyone who could listen to flee the planet as soon as possible. Value your engineers, they will build you glory!
             The genocide against the Gorn Hegemony. Even though it is a conspiracy theory against the popular tale of political strife between Galron and Martok, trust me, it was the KNCO, they attempted to use both sides to drive a wedge into the empire and create slavery and profit for themselves, such as they always do. They will pay dearly for such a costly dishonor!
                 The current war against the Cardasians, Federation and the Romulans. If we listen to our allies in the Ferengi Federation then we know one thing: The price of peace is at an all time low. The fight with the Gem Hadar ratified the local stellar neighborhood, and the empire! However such battle creates economic strife. If we somehow manage to keep diplomacy on the forefront then we might have a better chance of utilizing such relations to keep our efforts within Borg Initiative Directive protocols at its most possible apex. We have learned to refine hexatanium from Borg technology, and our scientists and diplomats are working to de-borgify species, learn what we can from them, and send them to whatever possible home world we can find for them. Many augmented or deborgified species, such as the Nausicaans are already a staple of force for the Klingon Empire, and our Occupation Fleet. Again there is no time for xenophobia, we must fight together to save the galaxy! Already Occupation Fleet engineers are adapting Borg technology in order to continue to weaken the KNCO. Let this be the way to defend ourselves and bring honor to the empire, and the galaxy!
              Toxification of empirical planets, and worlds outside of our empire. The empirical scientific community has an outreach that extends beyond diplomacy. The science community in the galaxy knows no boarders, and all within it should be considered our allies whenever possible. This is sometimes true also in other empirical fields. Keep your allies close and your enemies closer! Occupation Scientists and Engineers are at the forefront of eco-synthesis and advanced terraforming technology. We take living samples of various flora from all of our planets, others to build a stronger seed bank, create larger biospheres and nurseries to create eco-diversity, and to help keep living planets with living Klingons! Such forests now are ripe with our targ! Selective animal husbandry and scheduled hunting keeps the targ healthy, our food supplies well maintained, and our warriors strong! Controlled hunting has lessened species endangerment on planets such as Khitomer, and our scientists are developing research to keep the herds strong! Working with empirical motivations is a good way to gain powerful and important allies in the empire for the Occupation Fleet and must be encouraged. Legislation, legal actions, lawsuits, activism and open combat are all good uses of the Occupation Fleet against the KNCO. [No offense so some of our allies however;] Are we Ferengi? Of course not, we are Klingon! The Corporate Oligarchy must be destroyed at once, end capitalism now before it destroys us all!
                   Institutional sexism [This includes homophobia]: Sexism of any kind will not be tolerated. All members of the Empire make gains by merit alone. The Corporate Oligarchy would have women make warriors and slaves as their exclusive function! The KNCO would prefer closeted individuals over free Klingons! I cannot for the life of me understand why, but should it not be for some reason known, any Occupational Force Occupier who is not tolerant and impartial on the basis of gender or sexuality will meet with the Occupation Force Tribunal of our highest ranking female warriors and their guests. I personally can think of no less than three Generals within the Occupation, and no less than twelve Captains also, who are either Klingon females or homosexuals that I work with regularly - most of them will attend your tribunal to ensure that your blood is spilled properly! There are more than a few high ranking Klingon females or homosexuals within the Empire and the Occupation. Fear them!
                  Child labor / Child slavery and Labor / Pedagogic exclusivity: Again this is such an outrage! Occupy Educators will ensure that training, exercise and pedagogy are the only influences upon our youth until they reach the age of thirty. If you plan on being your enemies worst nightmares you must realize that this is only ten percent of your life, should you live so long, and your lessons will never end - get used to them! Many of our Occupied colonies are now forced to reduce their labor size thanks to our efforts. Uneducated of all ages should endeavor to complete their fundamental training. We are lucky that we have our own Scientists, Engineers and Warriors willing to put the time into their own honor enough to give us all the strength and unity of unilateral consciousness, ensure that they are put to work! May the heads of their former slave-masters adorn every newly Occupied Unionized Workplace and University! DEATH TO IGNORANCE! [Of course all Occupy Fleet Ships and Houses incorporate their own training programs, let us guide the rest of the Empire to this practice by our collective example.]
                   Targeted Assassinations, Indefinite Detention, and Extraordinary Rendition: Our last rescue at Rurth Penthe was successful enough; all of the Occupy prisoners were stolen back from their dilithium mining facilities. Although many political prisoners of consequence are still incarcerated, let us mildly say that many non-Occupy prisoners were engaged with us as well. Of course the results at this time are still classified, yet obviously our objectives are not entirely complete. Our scientists, technicians and engineers are constantly devising new plans based on the objectives of the KNCO. Let that much at least me known!
                     End note: Occupation Forces should currently use appropriate diplomacy and discretion when dealing with the house of Martok, the house of Mogue, and any non-KNCO factions in the Hatori, Negh-Var, and Khittomer systems or empirical familial houses that may be related. The current home planet of the new Qo-Nos is still an Occupation battlefield against the KNCO, if you plan to take your fleet there be prepared for battle and defense protocols at all times. In-fighting and secular combat should be expected on-planet if not within systemic orbit. Hatori and Khittomer both are currently engaged in diplomatic truce protocols unless otherwise noted, especially in regard to anti-KNCO activities, as well as in cases of unlawful xenophobia or slavery which the Occupation Force and the Empire has admonished. Let there be no doubt in case of xenophobia or slavery, the Klingon High Council will hear of this! The Occupation Force does not necessarily condone truce with Romulans in the Theta Eridani Sector, that all Klingons should be aware, however, pagan Romulan separatists who adhere to Vulcan theological beliefs should be granted honorable diplomacy, or else how can we justify polytheism within our very own empire? Remember this: The enemy of my enemy is my friend! Do anything you can to undermine the Romulan Empire-especially by supporting their pageantry! More importantly the Theta Eridani Sector[1] has long been in dispute in the Beta Quadrant, save your resources for the war against the KNCO, unless there is a Borg invasion. In such a case, all non-emergency and non-critical Occupational Fleet ships should adhere to the Initiative Directive and negotiate combat protocols. Remember to keep your engineers and scientists on the ready for after Borg-contact salvage operations! Remember this always; THEY are the Borg-THEY WILL BE ASSIMILATED! Strangely enough the Klingon Nefarious Corporate Oligarchy is still not the greatest threat to us.
[Always use quantum or trans-phasic weapons systems against the Borg, your Occupation systems distributor will contact you with more useful information to this regard.]
[Finally; Occupation Forces are to avoid conflicts between, The House of Galron, The House of Martok, The House of J’mpoc, The House of Duras, and The House of Mogue, should there be any, although preventing divisiveness between these factions will be tolerated for now. Most of these houses have systemic alliances important to the Occupation, we honor them by preventing their anger and saving lives! We all must learn to fight another day and save our resources! If glory is at hand – it may be there also tomorrow!]
Author’s Note:
         I am an ardent anti-capitalist. I sometimes look externally in my efforts to understand ways to disable the dominant paradigm, and when that isn’t possible I like to imagine how Klingons might be capable of doing so. I think by studying these kinds of possibilities I can find new tangibles that were somehow not considerable previously. The human thinking verses Klingon thinking deal opens up new tangibles. This kind of thinking could lead to important clues regarding our own systemic functionality. My theory here is that due to the militaristic nature of the Klingons that many of the problems that we as humans face today could lay dormant in Klingon society, and that in their probable future…[go ahead and stretch your imagination if you must,]…they are in that future timeline beginning to deal with the rudimentary efforts of anti-capitalist measures in their variation of a more ratified multi-star systemic [multi-globalized?] realization, which would of course mean that of their entire empirical star systems. It’s better than Mothra verses Godzilla its Occupy verses the entirety of the Klingon Empire! Lots of entertaining hours daydreaming I can assure you. Although they will continue to be a species of warriors, it might mean that they could also abolish capitalism and populist tendencies. An enlightened species would try to find the end of greed. I imagine avarice could disable Klingons and prevent them from greater honor somehow.
           I like video games. One day I was listening to the radio and boldly going where no one has gone before while online, I had to realize that any such Klingon occupation would involve hundreds of billions of lives, and possibly millions of casualties. Imagine for every occupation around our world there would be a future Klingon planet undergoing various levels of siege somehow similarly. Although it kind of makes us humans seem punier than usual I suppose it might say something about the relevance of pacifism and although I’m still trying to rationalize what this comparison actually means, at least I’m willing to have fun with it.
As humans we have something going for us, there are only eight billion of us. We don’t have the resources, the population, or the future science that the Klingons would have. Occupy has yet to critically engage slavery in all forms and in all levels, wage slavery, sex trafficking, etc, all forms. I do not know how to solve that. Our planet is going to shit, and Occupy / Occupy Sandy is one positive outcome that is in its own way fighting corporate engagement against the planet. Although in a free society without capitalism, we would likely also be free of need or global environmental endangerment, at least that is to say idealistically speaking. Economic equality would likely have prevented most of Genocide, war and toxification: It is sad that the anti-war movement is not doing what it can to rock the foundation of governments into submission; at least in Europe anti-austerity measures have been major. It is weird to think that a movement would actually have to fight to create peace.
The Roddenberrian “Borg Initiative Treaty,” is something we don’t have and should. Things are hella more Borg round here than they should be, we should theoretically unite to fight the injustices of capitalist society, of course that’s just it, people don’t know they have been assimilated, and most people don’t like to think of concepts like conformity, or consider themselves conformists on some level. It’s really too bad, people should consider themselves capable of freedom of oppression in all forms. As far as I can tell capitalism just doesn’t work that way, and that is my point actually. It doesn’t work. Capitalism slaves pretty well, but it just can’t work, terrible theory, don’t try again! Give up while you are ahead! The whole Roddenberrian thing is that in the future people work, or educate or train themselves, because that’s simply what people do, and that’s what is done. In turn people receive goods and services because…yeah….that’s simply what people do, and that’s what is done. Absolutely no need for capitalism.
We don’t have an entire army of engineers and scientists working around the clock to terraform the planet, let alone many planets. We likely will never have this. Maybe in a hundred years or something, not now. Maybe we should. Occupy the Albany Gill Tract made me think that Klingons would fight GMOs in the fields, in many many fields. Activists in America, Europe and elsewhere have been known to burn GMO crops, I’m not saying that should be a specific goal for occupy, I’m merely pointing out similarities. I definitely think that Occupy could do more with urban farming. I think Occupy could look into purchasing land, creating an organic farm, and creating revenue for itself and future activities. I often think that Occupy should be doing something capitalist to employ its own people, create job security, an economic attempt to level the playing field. A cafĂ© with a stage and an art gallery with a liquor license? I’ve done that kind of work, it’s really hard, takes a lot of dedication and the burn out ratio is pretty high also. It could be a lot of fun also.
I kind of skipped sexual inequality, that’s just so out. I don’t think it is too hard to imagine that Klingons suffer from the same kinds of inequality that we do. We don’t have space ships, only people in the future have that. [Going back to the teams of technicians,] We do have the East Bay Free Skool; there are free schools and independent universities out there. Localized non-profit education can help provide the community with something relevant, possibly integral. The Black Panthers had an education program, so should we. Occupy does seem to do what it can to help alleviate the injustice of the penal system. I know that Occupy Oakland’s Occupy the courts does more than general support, and works closely with the National Lawyers Guild. I have heard that this is true of #OWS also. I don’t think that Occupy can really engage a Federal penal colony, like that of Guantanamo or something, although it is an intriguing idea. Many futuristic Klingon occupation ideas do not translate into our current human format, diplomacy in either case seem relevant somehow.
Live long, prosper, live to fight another day. Thanks.

[1] Occupation ships should not enter this sector in battle formations of less than three. Battle cruisers should be accompanied by at least two birds of prey and those ships should not venture into the Theta Eridani in groupings of less than six. We cannot afford to weaken our fleet! Let them know we are encouraging gang warfare in our own space! Attack them without mercy when it is possible - avoid them when necessary when you must! The Borg like to attack there also, have an appropriate arsenal in the ready!