Saturday, June 22, 2024


Gardener:Field Notations: 3021 CE

The fielder planet of exchanges, the namesake truancy, the relativity phenomenology, the despotism, the planet has many names outside of it’s own, and all and none are it’s own. The post colonial despotism had afield of it many technitions of which to task to it’s extraction industry, once it’s most rarified gambits had been procured, it became a leger economy for interstellar fuel banking. Muddy coffee and grainy soup, another required pitstop for the Quartermaster. Also another stop for me.

I began noticing a familiar shuttle hopper in the vicinity, I thought it might look familiar, but the popular task of changing a ship’s namesake and serial number protected the captain from scrutiny, a common security measure. Before arriving to this exosystem again, I would work to find the captain and the ship. The next time on the exosystem found me late to beam back with only a working field proxy of about a few hours, enough time to make one complete orbit for defensive posturing standards, and all away and about with their arrivals and departures, this time no cargo. Yet it was actually her, at some point I noticed a Cpt. D’Joanna personal vessel on the planetary ledger, at least I hoped it to be her actually.

Establishing a precient need for momentum I was to channel my ship on the station com servicer near the docklab entrance, an archaic monument to slave trade servitude relative to extraction agency. It was her ship, and she parlayed ashanti as soon as she found me beholden to the docklab com. I signaled to my ship’s captain that I would meet with them shortly, meaning they would engage in a further distanced orbit immediately to not interfere with custom local stellar navagation, she managed a chuckle. She never contacted, so I never picked her up, but she had to finalize diplomacy in that sector and it’s vicinity for long enough to be a diplomatic contractor locally. In the image you can see a bulge in her attire, that is the energy cell that the planetary diplomatic agency provided for us for D’Joanna’s shuttle. It’s easier to carry with the anti-grav centered on her hips so as not to effect her posture or muscularity. I decided to channel all crew and former crew on planet in order to thank everyone who had previously boarded for their service and gave a rough estimate of when another such ship should arrive, with ours being in six to eight months to a few years, which is approximately standard, but it is the Admiral’s priviledge to make such a communication, and I had to go outside in order to do so, on my own com. Using the docklab com was a transparency device relative to trade diplomacy. I had a lot of hail back chatter and it is usually amusing, so the look on D’J’s face is of her auditory reaction. Deep space morale, she is from Tau Ceti1, she is astonished before she can discover humor sometimes.

The custom is for face painting in the outer rim among simians and their being’s likeness xenotropes also. I usually pace galactic fashion trends with that of agriculture and revolutionary attire, which she held no disrespect for ultimately. If I had not found her, she would have likely missed the com zone relative to my ship’s ETD. She simply stated that she had not known I would need to utilize transwarp for my next sortie, meaning she would be hard pressed to sucessfully navigate the com in the most timely manner in which to join my ship. Factually I needed a diplomatic sortie in order to preevaluate circumstances and begat a mongDech diplomatic presence in the manner most befitting Starfleet Standards so as not to confuse my personal armada with that of the Klingon Defense Force. We would thereby be named as the Federation/Klingon attaché diplomacy, which was the most precise designation.

It’s hard to explain the relevance of it to those who cannot understand, some of my notes will go on to friend’s and family for posterity purposes, it’s up to me to explain what I do. Having standardized civilian personal transport for interstellar purposes is really key. Having a partner to confer with is highly valued. It’s akin to an interstellar privateer and is in the keen interest of galactic agency as a professional standard. If I always use a Klingon armoured personel shuttle, the interstellar community might feel as if I am a slave to iron fisted standards, and although Galactic Defense secure, this isn’t the message that I was to need to convey to my relative diplomatic peer group as it was.

D’Joanna is my armada’s Chief of Diplomacy. She is a retired admiral that was requested by mongDech to tie in trade diplomacy standards in the local stellar neighborhood, however I had found that in the amount of time given to her task, she was to be required to advent away to mission sensitive details relative to further galactic networking, outside of our true local stellar green zone. Still besieged by setbacks from the purge, our alliance network was on shakey grounds while our common enemies sieged us further. Sequestering and securing all further alliance networks was mandatory whenever my Captain was officially not in need of me. I could only further ship standards in immediacy while constantly reviewing astrofleetmatrix for all relative known anomolies.

Although mongDech diplomatic privateering can be very exciting, it isn’t easy. The planet depicted here is different from what it appears as now, and we share a more convensional shuttle for our joint tasks, although she keeps hers for privvy. We kept returning to that planet and every time we played towards the civic functionality of relative interstellar aesthetics. More tribal face dipiction replaced those extractor managers, and those reliefs were placed in a memorial museum. Those new sculptures also were given the ‘chia,’ effect, although non edible in order to create more greenery, displace more carbon, encourage more ecosynthesis and so on, but not to disrespect the history and post colonial presense of the dignified outlier trade exo. Tau Ceti was a trend setter for popular interstellar aesthetics, they couldn’t have picked a better pair to evaluate them, and we did our best to give into the local trends and histories of common placement to that engagement also. Ferns, palm trees, weird morphonia trees and viney climbers. In a hundred years it was a green zone planet that was, green also ecologically. Thier carbon ratio’s would take some abatement chronology, and that could easily take another thousand years, but by 3119, which was our first arrival back in that century, we had a really hard time recognizing the place and the historic civic ombud had to cater to us with three dimensional visual overlay and the like because we could find that we could sometimes place absolutely nothing in the new busy civic. We were simply fools that could only flatter our allies so outlandishly.

At time of image the planet had had about a couple of hundred years worth of toxic revelopment, and so as long without the advent of acid rain. Like kids we drank the rain every time, our cloy little engagement to each other and our friendship. Hey it wasn’t snowflakes or angels, but it was our simian trademarker activity, so we attempted to trendset the activity also. You know we got the power cell in, we waited for subsystems, then adjunct, then the engines began to warm up, then it began an unholy dirth of dagluge. It’s an arid place, dancing in the rain is just fun there, and people are surprised and friendly because it is unprofitable to cus possible trade partners. It wasn’t a drought year, and only regular drought had occurred in about 150 years or so, so we felt it was a special anniversary for us.

I was actually transferred to Starfleet Academy Tau Ceti School of Diplomacy once I was in lieu of the promotion of Admirality, as was she. Matey’s. Same class, but don’t look it up because we still used our real names then, you won’t find us, they just put a mongDech insignia in replacement of our graduation photograph. Such precarious precociousness, however security classification is viewed. Ultimately we lucked out, the Klingon Honor Guard had met with ecological tradeshare in a very valued fashion on this planet, as such Solaris 9 has a KHG stronghold, while Tau Ceti has a multi-fleet greenzone. She and I like to think that our efforts lead into this kind of interstellar real estate. It’s not the tradeshare on Wolf 395, but sometimes it can be home actually.2

After about a hundred years of that kind of thing it became such a bougie place really, and we were surprised to have any commissions because we sort of thought that the trade consortiuum was working through Ferengi alliance networks anyway, we only assumed there weren’t enough Ferengi Maurader Class Battlecruisers in the vincinity, really only that. Nothing save that. It wasn’t really a pirate place of the revolution, but it wasn’t without it’s coalliance strategies. It was scientifically redundant to be there, we just figured the 13th Fleet wanted some auspiciousness with it’s former Flagship in orbit or something, we were mystified. It turned out that there weren’t enough Ferengi Mauraders of course. Kinda funny. We could replace half a dozen of them with that ship in that century you know, it was a fool’s paradise to us otherwise by then. So we were to configure normative fleet behavior in order that the crew would have some leg time. I’m randomly searching the Science bridge station and I notice that the islands of the mostly equatorial oceania were seeming with dry tundra, so no, now we have a job to do.

A Fek I’Hiri Battlecruiser isn’t a canary, but there we were. We devised a cylindrical sub-station facility that could harvest water into their aquafers, and fashioned massive eco-systemic synthesis,3 and knew that the eventual rain would do everything else. There would be roughly 1000 kilometers of greenery suddenly emergent, so I had to send a hypothesis, heh, to the planet’s Ecological Director. I’d read this one in the Science Manual, it came originally from Floss. Hilarious. When the Ferengi delegation had arrived we’d managed to have significant time with the Director and Galactic Science was already working with other Captains.

D’Joanna is an excellent Captain, Admiral, General, you know, she often is side tracked on an assigned vessel and so on. I think the serial number on her diplomatic / science relative construct devised specialty Armstrong vessel is DJQTC9.


1Two of the shipwrights were DJTC 9, 42, and DJQTC9 respectively, with months between registry. She tried to get my attension actually, so she was well within parameters relative to her deployment. 9, many ships are simply 9, which is private or civilian trade, I was well to search because she could have easily been lost to the register.

2No golf courses, nice place.

3It is however, awkward to tell the secondary mission ecological director that their botany will be at least nine months late, but there it is, the shipment to the ambiguous planet of non-mention was rerouted through primary alliance functionary.

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