Saturday, June 22, 2024


Gardener Notations: 3423 ce

I was told incredulously that the mercenaries were in high demand in Tau Ceti. I hadn’t really thought of that, there was a competent security guard at the discotecque, someone who loved their employment. I had only been to the shipping and frieght district to find the apocathery, notably guards there were preinducted to cargo shift duty and kept eyes on the district, so my surmise to what Gaardox’s notification was, was that his sages pressed him on this fact also, however he had procured the crew and ship Bebop, although that is another story, and one that places mercenarial systemics relative to the starsystem inclusively. I at least thought to share my insight with Gaardox.

My cheat was to hire local mercenaries for our mongDech stronghold {corporate layover housing,} in the green and fleet district. Gaardox had initially had enough success with this technique. The most qualified was firstly charged with evaluations of the other mercenaries, and secondly charged to run security onboard the Fek I’hiri mongDech starship. This recruitment measure is practical and runs out short timers who aren’t intending galaxtic guardianship. In nine months my recruit had holosuite equivilancy of Dohar, although hadn’t had all of the person hours relative to active duties.

Meet my fleet’s new chief of security!

 The woman she replaced is now the mongDech Sectional Commander of Intelligence. Notice a resemblance?

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