Friday, September 6, 2024


Notes from a flying penguin…


St. Vincent’s ‘Crokodil,’ used to smash like K.W.G.L.’s ‘Rattlesnake.’ In the older download days something might have somehow been listenable despite contemporary contrivances, so thanx to the fury and weirdly non-systemic kindness, I could still rock fresh when, at least. I just thought wildling Annie should live long and busk on . . . honestly. Her beloved video pizza has that one when during dusk, she bum rushes the camera from afar in the brush, she happier to be amix in nature and the greater beyond somehow in her own element. Or how she does that one interview where she is bonking around a brick and wood vacant rental space with city light from windows in the back ground as she prances apace to a soccer ball, “whoooop…” Pele Annie says bounding around the spheroid dramatically as she has always done intermittently since grade school. In soccer there is at least suburban socialism here in the United States. She loves her Pizza. Excitement in her eyes, in her purposeful adamancy, it’s not guitar, but she grinds onward.

Beholden of the Persephonic Goddess I was doomed to heart break at least a dozen times here in the ‘Frisco Bay Area as her discography grew. Crokodil was to me reminiscent of EBHC and 924 Gilman (circa 1986-96,) and I couldn’t prove how proud to the young wildling, nor should I thought it would be topical, aprés encounter premiere. The e.p. sounds gilmany. She would claim not to have access to a space shuttle, not being a Klingon, and not have a tricorder, to which it would have seemed extremely unrealistic that she had not incurred Gilmanite, which I wouldn’t have thought that she would have stolen actually. I don’t understand her fussiness and while she chielled me for things that only rich kids do on their bar/batmitsfa, that were beyond my proclivity let alone my market, I began to wonder if she was a lunatic. Not my area of science. I don’t get it, but sometimes I might smile and think it weird or funny somehow, I can think back on things.

Not too long ago she was on Colbert and she lamented or was otherwise directed to comment on not ever being invited to play the Dallas stadium for the anthem. Paraphrasing, he said something like: “Hey get with it Dallas, you got one of your native daughters here,” I don’t remember exactly, but that was a big move for a sports guy on a troubling political year for sure with the election, Olympics coming up and so on. It’s a bad local move, the NFL doesn’t hold out for starling that waiting for a female league would equalize total sports market share. In terms of economic socialism, they might have thought of that if only greed and sexism weren’t to play. My friend reminded me yesterday that their cheerleaders make a paltry $15 / hr. I’m sure there’s a Vice or a Barbara Walters, whatever, I’ve seen at least a couple of these, it’s heart-wrenching, and yet very few make large amounts of money as philanthropic public figures… Annie seems to be the type of person to agree that a co-ed league might be problematic simply due to the fact that men might slow down the process too much. Not true with some community leagues and like, arena football, etc… I think that’s understandable somehow. I still feel that way about skateboarding after almost forty years.1

She’s the dream date for sure looking like a Galactic Lindonian Diplomat2, handing the Los Angeles Women’s basket ball captain or something a very Prince looking signature Clark guitar.3 Ma’z sizzle! I’ve never heard of the Dallas Cowboys. I had an Astro’s authentic stadium shirt in the 80s, which was not very popular here in the Bay at the time. Scout comic book in 1986 depicted a young Apache man who was rounded up by the military with other youth of the Rez to be trained as US Army personnel. The idea of military culture was systemic to internment. After escaping he continues his mission to destroy all of the monsters of the American Southwest. After an encounter with the main Jefe late in the series, all that is visible on the horizon of Dallas is the burning Astrodome, a formerly fortified location for another bloated warlord relative to that post apocalyptic regional oligarchy. The author loved the blues and in one issue a plexi-disk was included. Stevie Ray Vahnn’s version of Jimi at the stadium is something else that happened, and something like his lyrics sometimes had been quoted in Scout. Satellite, Live Aid, the Bob Geldoff version, these are all topical things that are era inducing that to my memory is sort of a giant blurr sometimes. At a young age it would be weird to wonder why there was or was not such events at American stadiums.

Some of her albums I had to wait to hear on radio before I could figure out how to listen to the album, Strange Mercy, and Masseduction notwithstanding. Neither of the last I should have listened to before I heard the vinyl or tape to vinyl, and economic inequality was not merciful. In my life it would have been better to hear Daddy’s after her current mainstream fire punk abdula training album4, which I like, for it’s bougieness. My timing to my ears never worked out with her albums past the e.p., however YouTube had been much kinder for it’s not being a decent stereo with an amp, speakers, and turntable. At any rate the current events make me wonder a bit how women did at the Olympics, except I ban the I.O.C. although I often incur that one does not need an MA in Urban Studies to not be bothered with Trans-nationalist simulacra and spectacle. I’m currently working on Sub-cultural studies and how that might relate to women’s studies relative to a PhD, and I was pretty much waiting patiently on a resolve for that anthem debacle. Peace.

1Granted that also is relative to a Matriarchal take on the reclaiming of the commons.

2Think that the Voyager had to avoid the Lindo/Rozel multi-sector system in the Delta Quadrant as such reconnaisance seemed too far off course to be of a concern relative to their deterium supply.



Saturday, June 22, 2024


Gardener:Field Notations: 3021 CE

The fielder planet of exchanges, the namesake truancy, the relativity phenomenology, the despotism, the planet has many names outside of it’s own, and all and none are it’s own. The post colonial despotism had afield of it many technitions of which to task to it’s extraction industry, once it’s most rarified gambits had been procured, it became a leger economy for interstellar fuel banking. Muddy coffee and grainy soup, another required pitstop for the Quartermaster. Also another stop for me.

I began noticing a familiar shuttle hopper in the vicinity, I thought it might look familiar, but the popular task of changing a ship’s namesake and serial number protected the captain from scrutiny, a common security measure. Before arriving to this exosystem again, I would work to find the captain and the ship. The next time on the exosystem found me late to beam back with only a working field proxy of about a few hours, enough time to make one complete orbit for defensive posturing standards, and all away and about with their arrivals and departures, this time no cargo. Yet it was actually her, at some point I noticed a Cpt. D’Joanna personal vessel on the planetary ledger, at least I hoped it to be her actually.

Establishing a precient need for momentum I was to channel my ship on the station com servicer near the docklab entrance, an archaic monument to slave trade servitude relative to extraction agency. It was her ship, and she parlayed ashanti as soon as she found me beholden to the docklab com. I signaled to my ship’s captain that I would meet with them shortly, meaning they would engage in a further distanced orbit immediately to not interfere with custom local stellar navagation, she managed a chuckle. She never contacted, so I never picked her up, but she had to finalize diplomacy in that sector and it’s vicinity for long enough to be a diplomatic contractor locally. In the image you can see a bulge in her attire, that is the energy cell that the planetary diplomatic agency provided for us for D’Joanna’s shuttle. It’s easier to carry with the anti-grav centered on her hips so as not to effect her posture or muscularity. I decided to channel all crew and former crew on planet in order to thank everyone who had previously boarded for their service and gave a rough estimate of when another such ship should arrive, with ours being in six to eight months to a few years, which is approximately standard, but it is the Admiral’s priviledge to make such a communication, and I had to go outside in order to do so, on my own com. Using the docklab com was a transparency device relative to trade diplomacy. I had a lot of hail back chatter and it is usually amusing, so the look on D’J’s face is of her auditory reaction. Deep space morale, she is from Tau Ceti1, she is astonished before she can discover humor sometimes.

The custom is for face painting in the outer rim among simians and their being’s likeness xenotropes also. I usually pace galactic fashion trends with that of agriculture and revolutionary attire, which she held no disrespect for ultimately. If I had not found her, she would have likely missed the com zone relative to my ship’s ETD. She simply stated that she had not known I would need to utilize transwarp for my next sortie, meaning she would be hard pressed to sucessfully navigate the com in the most timely manner in which to join my ship. Factually I needed a diplomatic sortie in order to preevaluate circumstances and begat a mongDech diplomatic presence in the manner most befitting Starfleet Standards so as not to confuse my personal armada with that of the Klingon Defense Force. We would thereby be named as the Federation/Klingon attaché diplomacy, which was the most precise designation.

It’s hard to explain the relevance of it to those who cannot understand, some of my notes will go on to friend’s and family for posterity purposes, it’s up to me to explain what I do. Having standardized civilian personal transport for interstellar purposes is really key. Having a partner to confer with is highly valued. It’s akin to an interstellar privateer and is in the keen interest of galactic agency as a professional standard. If I always use a Klingon armoured personel shuttle, the interstellar community might feel as if I am a slave to iron fisted standards, and although Galactic Defense secure, this isn’t the message that I was to need to convey to my relative diplomatic peer group as it was.

D’Joanna is my armada’s Chief of Diplomacy. She is a retired admiral that was requested by mongDech to tie in trade diplomacy standards in the local stellar neighborhood, however I had found that in the amount of time given to her task, she was to be required to advent away to mission sensitive details relative to further galactic networking, outside of our true local stellar green zone. Still besieged by setbacks from the purge, our alliance network was on shakey grounds while our common enemies sieged us further. Sequestering and securing all further alliance networks was mandatory whenever my Captain was officially not in need of me. I could only further ship standards in immediacy while constantly reviewing astrofleetmatrix for all relative known anomolies.

Although mongDech diplomatic privateering can be very exciting, it isn’t easy. The planet depicted here is different from what it appears as now, and we share a more convensional shuttle for our joint tasks, although she keeps hers for privvy. We kept returning to that planet and every time we played towards the civic functionality of relative interstellar aesthetics. More tribal face dipiction replaced those extractor managers, and those reliefs were placed in a memorial museum. Those new sculptures also were given the ‘chia,’ effect, although non edible in order to create more greenery, displace more carbon, encourage more ecosynthesis and so on, but not to disrespect the history and post colonial presense of the dignified outlier trade exo. Tau Ceti was a trend setter for popular interstellar aesthetics, they couldn’t have picked a better pair to evaluate them, and we did our best to give into the local trends and histories of common placement to that engagement also. Ferns, palm trees, weird morphonia trees and viney climbers. In a hundred years it was a green zone planet that was, green also ecologically. Thier carbon ratio’s would take some abatement chronology, and that could easily take another thousand years, but by 3119, which was our first arrival back in that century, we had a really hard time recognizing the place and the historic civic ombud had to cater to us with three dimensional visual overlay and the like because we could find that we could sometimes place absolutely nothing in the new busy civic. We were simply fools that could only flatter our allies so outlandishly.

At time of image the planet had had about a couple of hundred years worth of toxic revelopment, and so as long without the advent of acid rain. Like kids we drank the rain every time, our cloy little engagement to each other and our friendship. Hey it wasn’t snowflakes or angels, but it was our simian trademarker activity, so we attempted to trendset the activity also. You know we got the power cell in, we waited for subsystems, then adjunct, then the engines began to warm up, then it began an unholy dirth of dagluge. It’s an arid place, dancing in the rain is just fun there, and people are surprised and friendly because it is unprofitable to cus possible trade partners. It wasn’t a drought year, and only regular drought had occurred in about 150 years or so, so we felt it was a special anniversary for us.

I was actually transferred to Starfleet Academy Tau Ceti School of Diplomacy once I was in lieu of the promotion of Admirality, as was she. Matey’s. Same class, but don’t look it up because we still used our real names then, you won’t find us, they just put a mongDech insignia in replacement of our graduation photograph. Such precarious precociousness, however security classification is viewed. Ultimately we lucked out, the Klingon Honor Guard had met with ecological tradeshare in a very valued fashion on this planet, as such Solaris 9 has a KHG stronghold, while Tau Ceti has a multi-fleet greenzone. She and I like to think that our efforts lead into this kind of interstellar real estate. It’s not the tradeshare on Wolf 395, but sometimes it can be home actually.2

After about a hundred years of that kind of thing it became such a bougie place really, and we were surprised to have any commissions because we sort of thought that the trade consortiuum was working through Ferengi alliance networks anyway, we only assumed there weren’t enough Ferengi Maurader Class Battlecruisers in the vincinity, really only that. Nothing save that. It wasn’t really a pirate place of the revolution, but it wasn’t without it’s coalliance strategies. It was scientifically redundant to be there, we just figured the 13th Fleet wanted some auspiciousness with it’s former Flagship in orbit or something, we were mystified. It turned out that there weren’t enough Ferengi Mauraders of course. Kinda funny. We could replace half a dozen of them with that ship in that century you know, it was a fool’s paradise to us otherwise by then. So we were to configure normative fleet behavior in order that the crew would have some leg time. I’m randomly searching the Science bridge station and I notice that the islands of the mostly equatorial oceania were seeming with dry tundra, so no, now we have a job to do.

A Fek I’Hiri Battlecruiser isn’t a canary, but there we were. We devised a cylindrical sub-station facility that could harvest water into their aquafers, and fashioned massive eco-systemic synthesis,3 and knew that the eventual rain would do everything else. There would be roughly 1000 kilometers of greenery suddenly emergent, so I had to send a hypothesis, heh, to the planet’s Ecological Director. I’d read this one in the Science Manual, it came originally from Floss. Hilarious. When the Ferengi delegation had arrived we’d managed to have significant time with the Director and Galactic Science was already working with other Captains.

D’Joanna is an excellent Captain, Admiral, General, you know, she often is side tracked on an assigned vessel and so on. I think the serial number on her diplomatic / science relative construct devised specialty Armstrong vessel is DJQTC9.


1Two of the shipwrights were DJTC 9, 42, and DJQTC9 respectively, with months between registry. She tried to get my attension actually, so she was well within parameters relative to her deployment. 9, many ships are simply 9, which is private or civilian trade, I was well to search because she could have easily been lost to the register.

2No golf courses, nice place.

3It is however, awkward to tell the secondary mission ecological director that their botany will be at least nine months late, but there it is, the shipment to the ambiguous planet of non-mention was rerouted through primary alliance functionary.


Gardener Notations: 3423 ce

I was told incredulously that the mercenaries were in high demand in Tau Ceti. I hadn’t really thought of that, there was a competent security guard at the discotecque, someone who loved their employment. I had only been to the shipping and frieght district to find the apocathery, notably guards there were preinducted to cargo shift duty and kept eyes on the district, so my surmise to what Gaardox’s notification was, was that his sages pressed him on this fact also, however he had procured the crew and ship Bebop, although that is another story, and one that places mercenarial systemics relative to the starsystem inclusively. I at least thought to share my insight with Gaardox.

My cheat was to hire local mercenaries for our mongDech stronghold {corporate layover housing,} in the green and fleet district. Gaardox had initially had enough success with this technique. The most qualified was firstly charged with evaluations of the other mercenaries, and secondly charged to run security onboard the Fek I’hiri mongDech starship. This recruitment measure is practical and runs out short timers who aren’t intending galaxtic guardianship. In nine months my recruit had holosuite equivilancy of Dohar, although hadn’t had all of the person hours relative to active duties.

Meet my fleet’s new chief of security!

 The woman she replaced is now the mongDech Sectional Commander of Intelligence. Notice a resemblance?



Gardner’s Notations: 3023 ce

Cautionary to mention at best. I had been to too many exoplanets in the outer rim, when along the route at some point it had to be known that mongDech did not have diplomatic competency within the inner rim. Our enemies had mostly extracted away from the galactic center, with their backs to it, or passing through it so completely that it remained despite Borg trafficing and alliance counter intelligence and measures, it seemed the last place then to stage counter striking, which isn’t at the heart of alliance tactical advantage traditionally.

MongDech tactical practices happened beginning in the 26th ce, reinstating KDF practical siege applications and reinforcing defensive positioning relative to securities known and measured within the inner rim of the galaxy. Following which, was three hundred years of alliance bombardment to our alliance enemies, mostly concerning the intersectionality of the Borg gateway conduit system, and any and all known sabatoge relative to the Borg parastellar archetecture.

Our outer rim alliances were reknown in passive galactic com circles apparently, such a woman as Braxpaxa could not have entirely unexpected a mongDech rendezvous. Nine months of holosuite rank positioning, and our new Dohar chose a battlecruiser befitting traditional KDF activities in the inner galactic rim, the mongDech Martog Battlecruiser, this is what diplomacy looks like, reactionary defensive countermeasures.


Sunday, August 28, 2022


Darin’s Mission Statement

After the war in Ukraine we need to universalize the Geureg.1 This will catalyze us to universalize everything else that is lacking. Critics can argue that the results of UBI for example, look a lot like Bladerunner 2049. Science fiction and music are our tools. Videos can tell us things. Warn us of things to look out for. So, that’s the Caveat Emptor to critics. Political science, of course is another one of these tools. So that’s CE to us. Common Era, the human condition. I think Basic Radio as a punk band name may have beat out Common Era. His/Herstory is procyclical.2 Today I argued in the YouTube Vice comments thread about Peace on Earth and unfucking the world. Women are learning to defrag arsenal leftovers. Ukrainian Women in Kosovo are ironically chronicaling the ourstory of their country’s armistance.

As a weirdo hippy punk cyberspace funky steambeer drinker, and steam punk. I have seen some of these things pan out in gentrification. What is funny about human nature is that we are inherently post structuralist. When we see changes conform to the erasure of our locality in these kinds of ways we see things that are changing violently. Change can be violent. Poverty is violence.

Since the rain ended … between storms last winter anyway, because we had some ocational higher temperatures thanks largely to climate change… The assholes are using chainsaws to cut down much of the eucalyptus and yesterday morning, as many mornings were a little difficult in the canyon above and within the city. I was above the Oakland hills fire, as was my family, returning from Kansas City, a wedding or something. I was pretty young and I had never seen a grey galaxy3 cover our hillsides with a furocious black balmy center illuminated by blinding red and orange. The light and heat intensity being the only thing that could permeate the thick oily smoke from the eucalytus. Strangely, if you look at the photography of Misrach of the aftermath, nature batted last. The houses only were recognizable by their concrete foundations. Many trees survived actually. It was a miracle.

To say that I hate being homeless is indeed an idle statement.

I am much more concerned about a lightning storm.

I can bitch that the warehouse party closed because University investment in facilitation decentralized our mechanics, engineers, professional craftors, artists and musicians. The sheriff came to the squats after Occupy Oakland, after the Ghostship Fire, and perpetually. Brave students and community members still fight to save People’s Park. People across the country and around the world are galvanized now to forfil the destiny of the commons and protect the living Mother Earth. I can also bitch that I am not welcome at the houseparty where I have danced since the 20th CE. I can further bitch that I am not expecting an epic level punk concert on the People’s Park stage, and that is a longly navigated complaint. I have had my say in this.

Live long, and Klingon! Glory to the Revolution!

1See ‘Hu,’ on YouTube and watch & listen to Guereg.

2We can easily champion ourstory. Gender is irrelevant here.

3YouTube: The Secrets of the Universe, Mysterious Galaxies That Could Rewrite Physics Have Been Found. 8/28/22

Monday, February 18, 2019


To be delivered to Jesse Arreguin & [Berkeley City Council.], Mayor and the Berkeley City Council
Poor social services in Berkeley and other civic aberrant negligence have contributed to the perceived negation and associated slander towards People's Park. But beyond a decade's long insufficient response to human suffering and a lack of community concentration on the People's Park garden, and other aspects of the park that aren't directly linked to blight at all times, and often are, it is time to SAVE PEOPLE'S PARK!
409 signatures. NEW goal - We need 500!
Critical Mass in Berkeley; overpopulation, in general, is nothing new, but there is a genuine lack of green space in Berkeley. House the homeless and the poor and the schizophrenic. Keep the park for the People. The Park is relative to civil rights and free speech. 2019 will mark the 50th anniversary of People's Park and it would be a horrific shame on the community if the park would be destroyed simply for the sake of student housing, which can be built anywhere. UCB used eminent domain illegally to displace the original neighborhood and, lacking funds to create yet another student housing unit, created the blight in the first place. The park was an attempt by the community to create something beautiful. The UCB and, frankly, the City of Berkeley, have done everything in their power to destroy the park. Given the associated civil rights and free speech background linked to People's Park, the actions of UCB and The City of Berkeley seem determinedly fascist.
Most Recent Signers
Michael Sullivan
Feb 16, 2019
Lindsey Dancoff
Feb 15, 2019
Robin Housley from Berkeley, CA
Feb 15, 2019
Sylvia Moonbat
Feb 14, 2019
"The CIA put a microchip in my head. End MKULTRA now!!!"
Sanah Basrai
Feb 13, 2019
Ashley Robinson from Empire, CA
Feb 13, 2019
Monica Martella from Petaluma, CA
Feb 13, 2019
"Houses no one can afford sit empty while you cut down trees to make more housing. This must change."
Robert Zhou from Cupertino, CA
Feb 13, 2019
Max Ventura from Berkeley, CA
Feb 13, 2019
"50 years of a user-developed park, and a place welcoming anyone who wants to be there, or needs a place to be off of the hard and colder cement of the sidewalks. People's Park is that: a park for all, and used by students, homeless people, families, residents, neighbors, and visitors. UC: Hands off the People's Park!"
Angela white from Berkeley, CA
Feb 12, 2019

darin bauer via peoples-park-committee <>,A. People's Committee In Response To UC Plans To Raze the Park
Jan 2 at 2:34 PM
The People's Park civic landmark status with the city ends April, 2019. The People's Park Committee is applying for civic landmark status, state and national, I am to believe. The regents were aware of this, I am to believe. The regents should have known that the millennials were coming, and likely have had at least 50 years to plan for their arrival. I am to believe.  The regents should know the importance of green urban space and how it revitalizes the community. I have an MA in urban studies, not from UCB or any UC, and I am very aware of the importance of green urban space and how it revitalizes our community, you must seem that you are not aware of this. 

It furthermore seems disingenuous and scandalously unfair to destroy our vital urban ecosystem in this time of poverty, pollution, and political strife. One should think that any kind of destruction to People's Park would not take place until after April of 2019 as per any recurrent civic landmark status. 2018 in many ways marked the first time in history that people began to take for granted an urban forest in eastern People's Park, instead 2018 will be marked by how the UC regents choose to once again put gentrification [which is a form of genocide,] before community.  

The Sacred Berkeley Oak Grove and it's systemic treesit should have taught the regents that policing is as expensive as replanting trees, and by replanting I am to mean that one would use engineering to remove and replant them elsewhere. Our point then was replace fossil fuels and our point is not much different today. We also wish to preserve nature, but you don't seem to understand this, I am to believe.

With some sort of focus on education, in today's terrible world of industrial haste, one might believe that the UC regents might wish that urban gardeners, at the Walnut Street student farmer and volunteer co-op garden, at Occupy The Farm in Albany [The Gil Tract Farm,] and People's Park should be a pinnacle for social outreach, ecological / agricultural education, Native American folklore education, social justice education, and so on. But what we find from many but not all students, and people in general is that the misinformation from their 'mainstream,' cultural conditioning does little to help define sub-cultural phenomenology beyond the market value of a tie died t-shirt. The importance of how micro or sub cultural sociology helps to create facets and trends in the macro sociological matrix is lost on people in general and people take sub cultural values from the past for granted, yet at the same time fascism currently looms around the transnational matrix. 

If you are unaware of how invaluable sub-cultural sociology is for human awareness locally, and in general, I would recommend any book, passage or article by Rebecca Solnit on the subject. 

The United States is not a Democracy it is an oligarchy where capitalism is king. In a socialist country at least people don't seem to die on the streets as much. The blight in People's Park is systemic to a dysfunctional governance. Stop nullifying us. We had a forest. All of us. I am to believe that the regents do not value nature. 

If you are unaware of how invaluable nature is to cities read any book or passage by Jane Jacobs on the subject. 

The wildlife in our community hates you, and we howl in the wind. 

In my opinion that makes no difference to the regents because they cannot hear anything other than themselves and capitalism while the Earth dies screaming. 


darin bauer <>,A. People's Committee In Response To UC Plans To Raze the Park
Feb 13 at 4:51 PM

Sign the petition: Save Berkeley's People's Park: Create National Civic ...
I just signed a petition to Jesse Arreguin & [Berkeley City Council.], Mayor and the Berkeley City Council: Poor...

Our cities are rapidly heading towards what Jane Jacobs refers to as "Dead Zones,"(1) People's Park in Berkeley isn't the first or last struggle for humane green cities obviously, however it should be a catalyst for a more correct approach to urban planning universally. The Baby Boomers are probably too old to defend the park, but the millenials are, and deceiving them with the corporate considerations relative to 'user development,' is a binary didactic used for mechanizing human minds [mind control, propaganda, and mass hypnosis,] and not a natural condition for human development [nutrition, exercise, rest, positive activity, outreach with people, community and natural spaces.] Don't build another factory to build robots for the oligarchy! The kids are human people not corporate slaves! SAVE PEOPLE'S PARK!

(1) Check out the San Diego, Tijuana area in the movie, "Bladerunner 2049," should you doubt this dangerous precarious development. Science Fiction is a warning. The usage itself was likely from "The Life And Death of Great American Cities," 1960, Random House. 


Open letter to Young Student Democratic Action

Dear YSDA,

    I was told by Adam last night that they were prohibiting any further non-co-opers relative to the committee from attending Lothlorian meetings. And especially myself for using abusive language on the list serve. I will spend some time negotiating this in this letter. What is People's Park on a respect level? And what is radical diversity? I give personal examples based on my experience and research.

People's Park is two things primarily. People's Park is highly politicized. People's Park is also highly ghettoized. [Another way to look at it is People's Park is, for whatever reason, really high.] 

I have an MA in urban studies, I can go on and on about gentrification and wage slavery and systemic institutional prejudices, but you should know most of that by now yourself, it's the 21st century, you aren't the President, so don't pretend like you don't know.

Do you have ANY idea how much effort it was to get gangs to leave the park? I've heard some stories from some of my elders about this, THAT alone is reason enough not to bullshit in the park. In order to understand that, you'd have to actually speak to someone who was there and understood the complexity of the issues. It was really complex, it wasn't entirely a black and white thing, and with too many shades of gray or whatever, yeah, drugs, marijuana is okay, but guns are bad, knives are pretty bad, and hombres in gangs are pretty bad. 

Somebody in the park will have a knife. You should know how to handle yourself in order to never have to worry about anything like that. In laymen's terms, you want motherfuckers in the park with knives to defend you, not attack you. It's basically that simple. If you respect the park, it's people, and the garden, you shouldn't really have any problem with that. If you do then you are an undeserving fuck nut, and somebody to trifle with. That's how it goes sometimes. Don't be like that. 

It's one thing for me to say if you fuck up in the park I'll kick your ass. It's quite another to actually deserve it. For the most part however, I think I gave warnings about behavior in this list serve, and I'm really sick of politically correct moderate pundits using their 'polite special people,' language, trying to railroad the people, especially the people of the park. That's basically why the people of the park, are in the park. People offended by language probably shouldn't be fighting for the park in the first place. 

    The second part of this is about a variety of tactics. In Occupy Oakland we had racial and identity diversity that other Occupations simply didn't have. Oakland lead the way primarily, when Wall Street and David Graeber didn't. Or Alleppo, or Cairo, or Istanbul. 'A diversity of tactics,' quickly became the buzzword of successful anarchist endeavors. Fuck the World Trade Organization meeting in Seattle, in 1999, and fuck the 10,000 anarchists who came to New Orleans after Katrina to commit to mutual aid. [Okay but with love though out to NOLA, and C-Town,] We were fucking the police every single week for two years. Anyone who was actually there knew that's what we were doing, and how we knew it was possible was relative to a Diversity of Tactics.

This was also very true of 924 Gilman between it's 1986 onset and when I eased out of the scene somewhat in 1996. Although most women in punk moved to the American Northwest and left the Bay, in the late 20th Century, there were some women who persevered. We had music diversity, we had diversity in ideas of what punk rock is. Political diversity, we had / have that. We had artistic diversity [style, genre, whathaveyou,] and perhaps better today also racial diversity. Today there are more woman and people of color at Gilman than in the 20th Century, that at least it very true. Gilman Street is 33 years old and she still wears spikes on her punk rock jacket, but she doesn't wear leather or suede anymore, because she got a better job yo!!! 

If we cannot have our 'range of individuals,' attend meetings then you are only going to get one side of the story and not the diverse range of viewpoints, history, considerations, memories, and just basically variety that is endemic to any radical occupation. That's just it YSDA, you aren't radical. Stop pretending like you give a fuck then! Go back to voting for Clinton or Biden or whatever so you can defend the corporate oligarchy and keep democracy safe for wage slavery!!!! GTFO!!!!!


Thursday, September 27, 2018

KDF/Fed: Fleet Routines

2618, Beta Quadrant.

The ship had left Khittomer, and was on it’s way to New Romulus. There was some discussion as to whether or not supplies needed to be delivered to Qo’Nos Praxis Beta, but mongDech Generals Zune and Slish had recently upgraded Beta’s supply line.
“Klingaformation is nearly complete there,” said Gaardox.
“I mean, you guys are pretty thorough…It’s not like the bureaucratic complexity surrounding Martian efforts to that effect!” Said Gen./Ad. Allen.
“HaH! If only we were limited to such effects!” Gaardox could usually appreciate Allen’s humor. “All I can wonder is that it takes you so long to command the H’Atori sector’s joint fleet alliance orbital command center, you were quite busy with deep space proxy.”
“I only served a few months before my assignment was approved.”
“Exactly, just as we hoped, you bring Glory to the Revolution Allen!!!”
“HeH! As far as anyone is to ascertain what you are insinuating is highly classified information, and in no way whatsoever could I have possibly brought glory to anything at all!”
“Let’s not now be moribund, Allen. You honor us all.” True enough, deep space first contact on the fringe edges of the galaxy, the Mirror Universe, Fluidic Space, and other vectors to research composite similarities between systemic vectors, were indeed classified missions, and yet still was no reason to become forlorn." What began as fleet rotations to bring the Beta Ursa Minorans closer to current methodologies relative to joint fleet operations, begat a theory that the mongDech had considered. Allen’s visage of first contact missions would become a larger schematic. Having taken considerable time with that, ten years later, with two years of accumulative civilian activities, the Klingon Defence Force/United Federation of Planets space station was of course a good place for Allen and his crew to catch up with things. But that wasn’t all. Allen has a personal fleet, and they in turn helped him to accrue the new found knowledge that his proxy mission bestowed. The ‘House of Allen,’ now patrolled, chaperoned, championed, and controlled fleet systemic relative to the station.
“I cannot find Anne,” said Gaardox.
“HaHAHaHeHeH! Nooo! Old man, where is she? I’m not tellin’” Responded Gen/Ad Allen.
“Perhaps she is paraphasically transfixed in orbit around H’Atori Beta? Or maybe utilizing a trans-fluxuation of transphasic cloaking? In deeep orbit around the station, secretly observing, secretly taking long-range scans…Perhaps she is monitoring remotely from another vector such as fluidic space! I don’t know.”
“Riiiiiight Gaaardox, who knows man? I sure don’t”
“It’s a mystery!”
“No, I told them what to do, it’s up to them to fulfill the mission.”
“Exactly, if they told you that they were using approximation theory to disengage with the space-time continuum, then there would be no way to know which exacting scientific cloaking they would use to complete orbital surveillance of the station!”
“Ah, yeah, that would be true, I guess.”
“You guess. A postulate. Hmmm, intriguing.” Creating challenges in normative missions was a healthy, if sometimes partially at least, risky measure. Allen and Gaardox weren’t commanders known to lighten the load, and the crew would be quite anxious to pursue technical inventiveness, given their mandatory rest period of two years had recently passed. They weren’t quite up to speed again, but they will be quick to gain new ground in the effort.
That said, Gaardox was in a regular rotation. Should he be called away for a tactical emergency, or possibly a diplomatic or scientific/engineering one…that could be more interesting. So being routine, Gaardox booked quality entertainers, musicians, playwrights, councilors, physical trainers, tactical trainers, a full cadre of engineering, medical, and science experts to keep the crew active in the doldrums of a regular trade excursion. Allen’s tactic of juxtapositioning a smaller, older Federation space frigate from the 22nd C. that’s fully compensated with every known or possible technological nuance of 26th C. augmentation…yet giving the appearance and nonchalance of an initializing, more cavalier and exploratory vessel… Given the demands of out bound reconnaissance, this is indeed a mongDech tactic, one that favors the space station defenses, the mongDech treaties and diplomacy, and also no less important to KDF/Federation commitments.
“You’re thinking of Mortog again.”
“Somewhat, it’s his tactic.”
“He was mongDech, eventually.”
“And we are among Drex as well, so honored by he and HIS house, and of Gowron no less. Kmpec… Diplomatic systemics are relative to our alliances.”
“Jmpoc…” Allen wavered with some sense of honorification, an atonement to efforts in mutual aid, cooperation, and transxenological analysis.
“We have on-going compliance, and they us.” Allen and Gaardox discuss fleet routines and maintenance, both personal and fleet related, they are interrupted by Narrendra/Martia Engineering.
“What Horg?!” Allen had made the communications transfer. Horg offered re-pause.
“If the transfluxuating redundancy matrix has no benign counterparts, and all rerouting and relative redundancies are compliant, then aren’t those systems at times benign … perhaps my Terran isn’t well enough, they are looking at the possibility of future counterparts with three main core and six redundancies…”
“If the ship is three times larger…” Gaardox intones.
“We’ll get there, active analysis on the Daedalus and those prototypes are ongoing.” Allen doesn’t want to diffuse the issue regarding larger new ship-types for longer deployment existentiality.
“Yet if all energy transference is systemic then two cores with at least three redundancy cores-LaForge already agrees with me!”
“Don’t let them bother you Horg!” Gaardox consoles his brother.
“Hooo-org!” Allen is full of amusement. And such as it is-is the frustration of joint fleet engineering.
“Where is D’Tan?” The older mongDech brother decides upon the rank and file of diplomacy as a solution.
“Darzen Zentron is working with you then?” Allen find a diplomatic approach to create non- rapprochement to Gaardox’s tactic, of course a mongDech would understand this, even if essentially it is the same tactic.
“Paris, Data, Rev, Paris/Torres, O’Brian, Nog brother of Quark…”
“The Vulcan…?”
“He is here, yes!” Long range transmissions hadn’t been such a source of strain for the two brothers for quite some time. This wasn’t a Klingon civil war, or a fight against the Gorn, the Voth, the Tholians, the True Way, The Breen, and so on... Just the same, Gaardox had forgotten that could have meant she when referring to the Vulcan.
“I think I will contact the Admiral, and see if she can tell him something in Vulcan that we cannot.”
“Horg, I think he will agree with you more than you realize, this is just a stage in the development process and nothing other than that! You rebuild ships from the inside out, they build ships from the outside in-“
“Brother Horg, it is a differential in processing, be patient! We will raise hell with them if the redundancy cores and systemics are sub-par to current coordinations, Tuvok will do so also!”
“I…am scheduled to conference with him independently tomorrow.”
“So rest, today!” Allen takes the form of a younger brother to Horg when Gaardox is ungainly as an older brother.
“Scuba in the canyon? Sunbathing in the archipelago?” Gaardox enthuses.
“Processing subroutines, rerouting conversion ratios…” Allen proclamates.
“Hiking the sub-artic, hunting mastodon!”
“Redundancy rerouting, variable fluctuation coordinations…”
“Quark’s on Marsbase Sarah!” Gaardox proclaims angrily.
“Structural analysis given known probable, and unknown probable combat and navigational stress!”
Horg laughs hysterically. He never had the benefit of a younger brother, and this Human co-General of mongDech is of all things-that!

“Whatever Horg will do, he will do. He is mongDech. He brings glory to the revolution, he is Klingon.” Adamants T’Pol.
“Of cooourse.” Laments Gaardox, hating having to have played the devil’s advocate, embarrassing himself in front of a protégé of whom he deeply admires.
“Well, if Horg contacts Tuvok tomorrow, then I should think to have a diplomatic dinner with both of them that evening. You will say something cavalier and otherwise inappropriate about my appetite only being satisfied by two differentiating xenological males. I will claim your jealousy towards them. You will act wounded, as if you are defending your younger brother from my whims and whimsy, Tuvok will believe this is incomprehensible hilarity-“
“Just ridiculous-you understand the Dharma of the Klingon socio-unconscious T’Pol.”
“Dharma. No I had only thought of the Drama of the two brothers mongDech and nothing further I assure you.”
“It is systemic.”
“So – say – you!” Gaardox looks at T’Pol’s face, her stoic-ness. His battle-cruiser hurling towards Defari now days away from New Romulus, moving in speeds not thought technologically possible by him when he was only a warrior. He catches on a little late.
“I raise you ten quarter bits, I think you are bluffing.”
“Hahahaha! Okay Gaardox, you win this time, a human former mate has made me wise to your insights.”
“Only a Terran would be crazy like a fox!!!”
“Only a Klingon would eat hexapod Gaardox, what does that make you?”
            “A – an omnivore? Does it offend you?” This catches him off guard, and again, he is a little behind the Ambassador.
            “Twice in one day Gaardox, such a shame you are on your way to Deferi.” She softly admits.
            “I thought the Martia shipyards were a key location of interest to my senior engineers for cultural tourism…Ayeee {*I*} haven’t created a ship-wide inquiry, there are not consensus results, I imagine at least five percent of my crew will transfer at Mars station.”
            “At least five percent. Will not want leave. To witness for themselves…”
            “The crux of joint engineering processes. Differentiating moments in careers…”
            “No, their careers, take the money and save the galaxy, right?”
            “You are worse than Allen at times – Heh!”
            “THAT space-targ!” Gaardox swears to T’Pol that he will coordinate the results of his survey with her as soon as it is possible, and as his life mates are busy coordinating station affairs between Qo’Nos and the station of which Allen commands, Gaardox is naturally free to plan with T’Pol, a weekend alone. Just the two of them. Snowboarding on Olympus Mons. A favorite pastime for the KDF/Fed Fleet crewmembers, in a moment between continuing fleet routines.